Tag: frase.io

  • AI + ML + WordPress Workflows (Continued)

    AI + ML + WordPress Workflows (Continued)

    We’ve updated notes from our first session on Meetup.com and this site. Call for Questions and Moderators We’re reaching out to people for topics and moderators for June and July Office Hours. These :45 sessions are guided by questions we have and the people who ask and answer them before and during. We’ll continue outreach…

  • “AI + ML + WP Workflows” – Mar 23 – Session Video

    “AI + ML + WP Workflows” – Mar 23 – Session Video

    Companion to the slides we went through and discussions available on our Meetup.com session and this [WPLA] site

  • “AI + ML + WP Workflows” – Mar 23

    “AI + ML + WP Workflows” – Mar 23

    Details We’re the beneficiaries of the ongoing explosion of new AI + ML tools. Applying these latest tools to real Work-in-Progress — our notes, code, and copy — is the goal for this AI + ML + WordPress Workflows session. We’ll run some of the latest AI tools through specific real-world tasks in WordPress. We’ll…