AI + ML + WP – Next Chapters

HumanMade presented “AI for WordPress” last May 25 and announced ‘AI: The next chapter‘ for September 14th. AI for WordPress was worth the time — many speakers deep into AI and ML and event production was well done. There are notes and comments from our Mar 23 Meetup and elsewhere we’ll also collect here.

Our March 23 Meetup has driven more conversation, questions and work since. More notes on Jounce, ChatGPT and other consumer tools + huge updates to the Large Language Models (LLM) underlying those tools and others.

WordPress Los Angeles - "ML + AI + WP Workflows"- Mar 23 2023, 06:00 PM

The models, papers and work being shared get themes and variations created weekly+ by people in multiple communities. meta (TSNFKAFB) just released Code Llama when they’d just given us llama2 mid-July. The code, content and tools each have their own licensing. Derived works by the community will, too. Compliance is essential if you’re doing anything more than tinkering.

But compliance is not nearly as fun as AI that sets your music to animation, as useful as tag recommendations for your images, or time-saving as transcribing recordings and optimizing Accessibility, discoverability and re-usability. That’s where Oct – Dec WPLA Meetups are headed.


