Project Review Workshop – Summary –

Previously on WordPress LA

Week 2 of 2 Work completed

Migrations to Gutenberg Blocks

Reducing reliance on plugins

A clever new plugin to scale Block migrations

Migrations to Gutenberg Blocks

  • We migrated a bunch of content and data to Gutenberg blocks (“gutenBlocks”). This gave us a lot more freedom to format and use key directory information like store locations.
  • We moved content / data from current and previous Elementor items we wanted to have as gutenBlocks and standard post and post-meta.

We retained key information, gained flexibility, discoverability and SEO juice and reduced post size significantly on the backend and client side — especially the Time to Interactive (TTI) metric we targeted in Week 1 of this Project Review.

Reducing reliance on plugins

We moved two custom post types and taxonomies to WP-standard posts and taxonomy. There was no reason these two needed to be custom. Standard posts and taxonomies gave us flexibility to use more of all the things we can do with posts, categories and tags without having to account for custom items and the plugins that rely on them. Reducing the number of active plugins dramatically improved page load times and responsiveness.

A clever new plugin to scale Block migrations

We found a clever plugin that helped us do more gutenBlock migrations in bulk. The plugin is well-written and from a trusted developer shop. Convert to Blocks from 10up leverages the same “Convert to blocks” function you see in the WP editor and automates the process of doing it to all the content you point it at.



