– Project Review Workshop – July 13, 2023

Performance Baselines

Desktop performance is significantly better than Mobile performance in both Google PageSpeed Insights and WPEngine Test Suite.

Desktop performance is significantly better than Mobile performance in both Google PageSpeed Insights and WPEngine Test Suite. For areas of focus, Time to Interactive (TTI) and anything blocking visitors' ability to engage with the site are worth the time to review.

Complete reports are available in Summary & Running Status Google Document.

We’re working toward baselines here — The hard numbers matter less than the areas of focus the tests point to and the improvement percentages we can aim to make. Sub-par performance in places is fine as they give us all goals to surpass and an experience to improve.

For areas of focus, Time to Interactive (TTI) and anything blocking visitors’ ability to engage with the site are worth the time to review. PageSpeed offers opportunities for improvement. As with all benchmarks, we also need to consider multiple test results, site features and other parameters as a whole before getting Lost in the Sauce of any single result.

Listing Categories – Navigation

  • The main Listing categories should allow for clicking the background and the text.
  • Discounts lets me click anywhere on the image and text. Allowing the same for the main Listing categories make it easier to click through and will drive more clicks.

On Listing Category landers & Search Results

  • Maps have focus by default. Maps take focus again on hover.
  • e.g. Click the Lodging icon from home. I notice there are more Lodging Listings on the landing page. I scroll to view them and the map zooms in instead.
  • Default focus on the Listings so I can scroll through to quickly review them is my preference.
  • An option to reset the map to its initial view would also be useful.


